A few short weeks ago, I uploaded pictures of my cool weather garden to my Facebook. My cabbage, brusell sprouts and cauliflower (shut up - I *like* veggies!) were so pretty. And since then they have been growing like crazy. I had even begun to find tiny heads of cauliflower here and there.
Tuesday evening, as I was walking out of my office, my cell phone rang. It was J, who had been at home all day.
J: Wow mom!
Me: What son?
J: It looks like it SNOWED!
Uh oh. It's June. It does not snow in June in West Texas. It does, however, storm. And it had indeed been storming Tuesday afternoon.
This is what I found after driving home in the pouring rain:
Life of a "farmer," eh?
I won't even tell you what it did to our garden. It's too depressing. And although I love shredded cabbage, this was not what I had in mind.
Last night, MDH, the boys and I got out there and re-planted tomatos, peppers, cucumbers and squash seedlings. This morning, MDH will be re-planting green beans, corn and canteloupe.
Because we are nothing if not gluttons for punishment. As for my cool weather plants, I think we'll just see if they recover. It's fairly early in their development - who knows - maybe by fall we'll actually have some cabbage and a cauliflower or two. And since the brusell sprouts hadn't started with the sprouts, maybe they'll be ok.
A girl can dream, can't she?
To be honest - we certainly needed the rain. And we got plenty of that. But man - I sure hated seeing my plants and trees so beat up. One of my daylilies was a week from blooming - all but one bud was beaten off the plant. And my asparagus? Oy.
Our one and only chick is eatin', poopin' and growing. It is very very cute. It started growing tailfeathers the other day. I'm hoping it's a hen, because I'm afraid I'm already too attached to the bugger to be eating him/her someday. If it's a hen, then at least we might get eggs.
You know - if we get her some friends and a rooster and all.
That's my life lately - work, a lot of gardening and talking to Chickie. Our only other excitement was going to Sonic last night for our free rootbeer float. I'm still convinced that my eldest is meant to be a lawyer - because that kid will argue about *anything* and hates to be wrong. No idea where he got *that* from....
I think I'd rather have free floats for excitement than this:
Ugh. Hail sucks.
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