But we Digby's are gluttons for gardening I guess. We just said to ourselves "Selves - time for another trip to the nursery." Then re-planted again. More corn. More beans. More cantaloupe, watermelon, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. And you know what?
The garden grew. And grew and grew and holy moly do you know how much yellow squash you get out of 5 well watered bushes?
More than there are unlocked cars in the church parking lot. That I can assure you. (We checked. People in Hicksville are *way* more savvy about squash season than they were in Mid-Size City. Hmph.)
So we have gone from this:
(Please ignore the empty Sonic bags and other crap on my kitchen table)
To this:
Besides cucumbers, we've also harvested our first cabbage and it was quite tasty. I think cabbage will be a new addition on our garden plans from now on. Remember that poor sad asparagus bed? We're *still* getting new asparagus from that patch. We had some last night with supper. I think we only lost one plant in the whole bed.
I love living in the country.
We still don't have any tomatoes in the garden. Well - we had 4 on one of the plants, but Mr. Rabbit decided to nibble on them yesterday and he's just damn lucky I didn't catch his furry hide. Hmph. Not sure what the deal is. No one around here is having much luck with maters.
E started two-a-days this morning. Right now he's resting somewhere before the next practice session. He's hoping for varsity this year, but he's just a sophomore. He may have to wait another year. He was ready to play ball this morning though. Tomorrow J starts marching band (and tomorrow night they'll BOTH be at practice - woohoo! Nekkid supper at our house!), and we start winding down the summer. This weekend we are thinking about taking another trip to the lake. We didn't make it during my vacation this year since the hub's truck was in the shop.
The mom-in-law may be coming down to see us around Labor Day. She's is doing very well, and continues to be in complete remission. Such a complete answered prayer there, eh?
My folks will be here the 3rd week of September to hang with the kiddos while the hubs and I strike out for Nebraska to see one of my oldest and dearest friends. I met Gina in 9th grade, and somehow, we have managed to keep in touch - off and on - all of these years. Her beautiful daughter is getting married this fall, and we are using that as an excuse to go see Gina and her husband. It's been 26 years since we've seen each other in person - to say that I am psyched doesn't even begin to cover it! And we will ignore the fact that she is currently skinnier than I am. With any luck, and Weight Watchers, I'll be a bit *less* by the time we get there.
While I'm up there, I'll also get to see one of my oldest and dearest 'net friends. Jen was one of the first persons I met online - it's been close to 13 years now. We've never met in person - so I'm really looking forward to that as well. I've met so few of my "net" friends over the years.
Work continues to be crazy, but somewhat better. I had hopes for a smooth Fall transition this year - until last Monday when my receptionist turned in her notice. *sigh* Something about getting paid $900 more a month. Sheesh - some people are just so *material*. So - once again - I'm on a the hunt for a new girl. Wish me luck.
I would probably be horribly stressed if I didn't have this to come home to:
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